Sunday, June 03, 2012


On the eve of E3 I'll just say that this older game that's being reworked for modern systems is one I'll probably buy. Sure I played Doom 3 back in the day, but i've never owned it, and I think it's a title worth having! How about you guys, are any of you thinking of picking up this classic?

----Strife Out----


Cirman said...

Throughout the entire trailer I was quietly sobbing: "No PC version? NOOOOOO!". It isn't until the last 5 seconds that the PC version is confirmed and not in big fancy letters too! Just a small ~10x50 pixel logo saying PC-DVD. I hope the box has Steam support and not Games for Windows Live though...

Cirman said...

Throughout the entire trailer I was quietly sobbing: "No PC version? NOOOOOO!". It isn't until the last 5 seconds that the PC version is confirmed and not in big fancy letters too! Just a small ~10x50 pixel logo saying PC-DVD. I hope the box has Steam support and not Games for Windows Live though...

Anonymous said...

20 bucks says this game will be in no way scary
